Fuel prices are on the rise and the situation in the Middle East is not helping the situation in any way. On top of auto news everywhere, car manufacturers have come up with hybrid cars, vehicles designed to burn less or zero fossil fuels.  One fine example of these hybrid cars is the Toyota Prius, which comes in many fuel consumption combinations. Mercedes Benz, Volvo, and other high end car makers are also coming up with their own hybrid versions. However, hybrid cars are amazingly expensive as... view

Odyne, in attracting fleet owners to shift brands and models has posted a 3-minute video featuring Odyne’s latest generation of hybrid system of medium and heavy-duty trucks. With this video, Odyne is set to inform fleet owners and truck drivers how its latest can be a good replacement for their old fleet and how it can be the best alternative buy for new fleet of heavy-duty workhorse.  Odyne has been a pioneer in hybrid system for trucks of medium and heavy-duty category and has been working... view

Yes, it is true; most American pickup trucks are gas guzzlers, burning more fuel than is necessary. However, not anymore with the advent of the latest technology in vehicle production – hybrid trucks. The idea for hybrid trucks was hatched because of the clamor for more environment-friendly vehicles. Let us take a look at a few hybrid trucks that are available in the market right now. The four-seater Toyota A-BAT is a hybrid truck that is equipped with a four-footer rear bed and solar panels mounted... view

The technology for hydraulic hybrid trucks is forging ahead in specific front series in account to its commercial success in the creation of parcel delivery trucks and garbage trucks.  As of now, the focus has been mainly attributed to the daily performance of these heavier cars wherein the high-powered fluid technology shines as the best. In account to this, laying all the groundwork to shift the technology to lighter types of vehicles has been made possible. In the present year, there is big news... view

The Chevrolet Silverado Hybrid is one of the latest hybrid trucks in the global market. It features the most excellent fuel economy with its all-electric power driving.  The full-scale pickup hybrid truck takes pride of its fuel efficiency of 22-mpg in the freeway. The Silverado is fully-equipped with the elite 2-mode hybrid system presented by GM. It is a combination of the electric power system and a 6-liter V8 engine prototype. The new hybrid pickup boasts a 332hp with 367 lb-ft of torque. The... view

General Motors is the major manufacturer of hybrid trucks. Starting in 2008 with the GMC Sierra and the Chevrolet Silverado, General Motors have offered other hybrid truck variants in its other sports utilities and truck models including the Cadillac Escalade, the GMC Yukon, and the Chevrolet Tahoe. If you are on the lookout for hybrid trucks, you have to keep in mind that although your objective is to save money on fuel consumption, the prices of these vehicles are amazingly high compared to a gasoline-powered... view

Via motor is now taking on a new technology that would make converting traditional trucks into hybrid electric trucks in greater dimension and will start converting vehicles made from other automakers early this year. Via Motors will initially start from GM vehicles with the likes of Silverado and Tahoe and will be targeting corporate consumers and individuals using utility trucks. However, sales would be start early 2013 as the hybrid trucks will be expected to go in full blast sales. Via Motors... view

The new Land Rover DC100 Defender is set to be launched in the upcoming Los Angeles Motor Show sometime this year.  There are several modifications and upgrades of the new Land Rover including the new wheels and a new body shape. You can choose from either the open top edition or the traditional off-roader Land Rover DC100 Defender model. The designers of this new model were able to integrate a new concept after the DC10 previous version of the Land Rover Defender. Meanwhile, the 2013 Hyundai Genesis... view

Though pickup trucks are rarely concern, do you still ponder about your hot wheel trucks during your preschool years? If big toys are your favorite mainstream drag racing, check out these reputable pickup trucks that haul for economy fuel and car-like ride. Forge in the new generation of modest towing and expect aggressive versatility and efficiency vehicle – Hybrid pickup trucks!  When pickup trucks are brought in as a vehicle for automobile driving, critics proclaim that it assumes a typical... view

Turbo engines are better and far stronger compare to their Naturally Aspirated (NASP) counterparts. Using a turbo forces the air inside the engine helping any car to run faster, this engine can withstand extensive power gains since the rate of the flow is dependent on the impellers inside the engine. In general turbo engine helps smaller engines to produce the same amount of power that larger engines produce without having to consume a lot of fuel, to put it simply turbo enables a more efficient... view